Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What are You Waiting For?...

This is the best time to achieve your goals.

There's no time like the present and now is as good as time as any to get what you want done, to finish up those projects, get that job, start that business, and do what you've been putting off for so long.

But when you finally decide to get started, you somehow find a way to put things off once again.
You convince yourself that you can start tomorrow, or that you need everything to be perfect, or just right, or that you won't succeed, that things won't work out and you put off your success once again.
Then a few years go by, maybe more, you take a look and nothing has changed. You haven't accomplished those goals, you haven't finished those projects, and you're still where you were or worse.

You wonder why things don't get better and the reason is simple - you keep procrastinating. You keep putting things off.  And no matter how much you WANT things to change, they just don't.
It's because your mind and subconscious mind are used to procrastinating.  You've programmed yourself to procrastinate - the more you keep doing it the stronger the programming gets until... it's too late.

It's not too late.  Now is the time to stop that programming and change it.


By re-programming your mind and subconscious mind so that you get things done. So that you finish that project, get that job, start that business, meet that right person and achieve the goals you've always wanted to achieve.

You do that by feeding your mind and subconscious mind new information, new thoughts, new beliefs, new thought patterns that allow you to succeed.  The kind that make you want to get up and get things done right away.
When you re-direct your mind, when you get it to focus on getting things done you push your subconscious mind in a new direction and you stop giving yourself excuses, and you begin to want to get more done so that you enjoy the success you want.

This re-programming happens quickly and easily. Whenever you think about putting something off, just do something (take action) to start the process, or finish it.  It’s that simple.
Take waking up in the morning for example.  Trying standing up and getting out of bed when you want to get up early.  Or, put your alarm, I mean, opportunity clock across the room so it will make you get out of bed.  And when out of bed stay up for 2-3 mins.  This simple reprogram for one week will change your mind to the point where your body will wake you BEFORE your alarm clock goes off!

All you have to do is work with the things you procrastinate on by taking the first action step.  That’s it. The changes take place as you go about your day.

Take action today. 
Start making the changes today. 
The sooner you start the better. 
Don't put your success and happiness off anymore. 
Don't fall for the old programming that leads to more failure. 
Stretch yourself and create the relationship you deserve to achieve the goals you want to accomplish by starting today.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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