Monday, September 6, 2010

Are You Happy?

In today’s blog you're about to find out how to be happy and enjoy life.
It's really simple. But first let me ask you something...

What would it take to make you happy?

Would you be happy if you were in a relationship or with…
• the right boyfriend/girlfriend?
• Would you be happy if you were married?
• Would you be happy if you had a million dollars?
• Would you be happy if you were successful?
• Would you be happy if you had better health?
• Would you be happy if you got a new job?
• Would you be happy if you had a great career?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you'll never be happy!
Surprised? Don't be.

Nothing can make you happy. Allow me to explain.

Being happy doesn't depend on a particular outcome or something happening to you.

Happiness isn't something you find or discover.

You can't go into a store and buy a 10-pound bag of happiness.
There is no place where you can go and find happiness sitting there waiting for you.
Unfortunately many of us have been brought up to believe that something external can make you happy or that you can find happiness somewhere.

Advertising of all sorts suggests that a new car, skin cream, a new outfit, new shoes a drink, or a new diet can make you happy about you but that is simply not true.

Nothing can make you happy because happiness is a feeling. Happiness is something you experience.
If you want to be happy then be happy. But you may not be happy because you spend most of your time focusing on what is wrong with your life.

Let's face it; you can't be happy doing something that you don't like.
You also can't do something you really enjoy and be sad or angry.

So if you think that getting a new job will make you happy you're wrong.
Getting a new job won't make you happy.
If you think that having a boyfriend/girlfriend will make you happy - you're wrong.
If you think having a million dollars will make you happy, you're wrong, it won't.
It's not the money, relationship or new job that will make you happy.

Happiness is a feeling that you experience when you appreciate the positive things in your life.

If its a million dollars that you think will make you happy, it's really the financial security, the freedom that comes from having a million dollars that you will allow you to be happy, because you'll then be able to do what you truly enjoy and are passionate about.

Don't think that you can be happy by having something.
To be happy start doing the things you enjoy.
When you set goals you focus on doing what you enjoy.
You have fun while achieving your goals when you choose the right goals, the kind that allows you to be happy all the time.

Focus on what you want.

Start doing things that you enjoy.
Look at the positive things that are going on in your life.
Direct your mind and subconscious mind to help you experience happiness everyday. This will start once you begin to appreciate the good things in your life.

First, to be happy simply shift your focus.

Instead of looking at all that is wrong with your life, instead of looking at what you don't like about yourself or your life; change your focus. Start appreciating all that is good in your life.

Make a list if you want and write out all of the positive things in your life. Usually someone will say: "Ron, I can't think of anything positive or good in my life. I just want to be happy."
That's only because you're not seeing all that the positive things in your life. And so you'll never be happy.

Everyday there are wonderful things taking place in your life, yet you fail to observe and recognize these events or people.

This can be anything from a warm meal to a wonderful spouse, family, etc. If you have a roof over your head, that's a positive aspect of your life.

If you had a great dinner surrounded by friends; that's a positive event.
If you had a pleasant conversation with someone you haven’t heard from in a while; that's a positive aspect.

Start looking at all of the great and terrific things that are going on in your life and you'll begin to experience happiness on a deeper level.

You can begin to improve or change the areas that you are not happy with but at the same time you should acknowledge the good things that are going on in your life.

Your mind is used to only paying attention to what is going wrong and so it directs the subconscious mind to continue creating more of those things that are going wrong. You actually create more of what makes you unhappy.


Because you’re subconscious creates what you regularly think about.
So if you don't regularly focus on the positive things you won't create positive situations in your life.

And here's where it gets worse. When you constantly focus on what is wrong with your life, when you only think about and see what is wrong in your life your subconscious begins to create more of what is wrong or more of what you don't want because it thinks that you want more.

Start training the mind and the subconscious mind to create what you want and focus on the good things that are taking place in your life.
Begin experiencing happiness by changing your focus.
Everyday think of the positive things that are going on in your life.

Make a list of all the wonderful things that are taking place in your life.

Think of at least 3 great things that happened to you they can be small or large - but just appreciate 3 good things that happened during the day. Focus on the positive.

And Lastly, Have Some Fun!

Now that you know that your happiness does not depend on some other event taking place you can now follow another simple step to experience happiness and that is to simply have fun.

Too often I hear from people who simply want to be happy but when I ask them what they do for fun they say: "Nothing." No wonder you're not happy. How can you be happy if you're never having fun in life?

If you want to experience happiness then you have to start doing things that you can enjoy.
I have a lot of fun when I'm playing with my children, nephews or nieces. I also have a lot of fun when I act like a 6 year old with my wife who responds by telling me to act grown. (I love doing this!)

This is how I enjoy life and it allows me to experience a great deal of happiness. I try not to grow up too quickly - what's the point of being an adult all of the time? To me it's simply not fun and I choose to enjoy my life, and have fun when ever I can, you should try it.

If you want to experience happiness then start doing things that you enjoy.

You may like gardening; you may like hang gliding, you may like riding your bike, you may enjoy going for long walks, you may enjoy acting like a 5-year old - whatever it is start doing it and see how great you feel.

But there is one catch when you're doing what you enjoy, you can only focus on that and not think about anything else that may be bothering you.
That's the only way you'll truly enjoy the activity and begin to experience happiness.

Now you can't just have fun once a week or once a month. You have to do this everyday. That means everyday you have to find something fun to do then only will you get comfortable and used to the process to the point where you regularly experience happiness.
Once you start doing this you'll enjoy it so much you'll wonder why you never did this to begin with.

If you don't feel you have the time to have fun and enjoy your life then you're really saying that your happiness is not important enough.

Only when you decide to be happy will you truly begin to experience happiness.
You can work with the techniques I've outlined - they will help you get started.
But you will need to train your mind and subconscious mind to begin seeing and living in a different way.

Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop limiting yourself.

Stretch Yourself and Create all the success you want and deserve in life
Starting NOW

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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