Monday, September 13, 2010

Living With Passion and Purpose

Living with passion and purpose is a sure way to enjoy life everyday.
When you are following your passion you're more fulfilled, enjoy positive relationships and there's a real bounce in your step.

If you're not living a life with purpose, you're not getting the most out of life and you're simply not enjoying life.
You may feel like you're living for the sake of living and in many ways you'll be living the life that other people want you to live.

So in today’s blog I'm going to show you how to have a life with passion and purpose so that you're enjoying your life each and every day.

When you're living a life with purpose you have a mission. You have a reason for living.

Think of it this way: when you take a vacation you do it for a reason and you choose your destination for a specific reason.

Some people go on vacation or some place warm with sandy beaches because they want to escape the cold and enjoy a nice warm day on the beach.
Some people go to a city to visit friends and family because they want to enjoy the warmth, and good company of their friends and family.
Some people visit places like Atlanta because they want to enjoy good food, friends, theater, a lively city and do some shopping.

When you plan a vacation there is a reason for picking the place and time that you take a vacation - there is a purpose and a large part of that purpose is to enjoy your vacation.

Your life should have a purpose.

When you have a purpose you'll enjoy your life a great deal, but more importantly,
you give your mind, your subconscious mind, and your spirit a mission and a direction.

And when they have this reason and direction they attract and lead you to more opportunities that will help you fulfill your purpose and enjoy life even more.

When you have a purpose you live life with a positive feeling and abundant energy.

Your subconscious mind picks up on this feeling, your actions, energy, and purpose and begins attracting more situations; people and events that will help you fulfill that purpose so that you enjoy your life.

As soon as you have a purpose every action you take towards your goal will automatically draw more good things and positive, helpful people into your life so that you can continue to fulfill that purpose.

Discover your passion and purpose.

Start living a life with purpose.

See purpose in every area of your life.

Here's how you start living your life with purpose.
Change the way you see things.
There is a purpose to everyday and each new day has some meaning in your life, you're probably just not seeing it.

For example: Suppose you work as a checkout cashier and you go to work everyday thinking that your job has no purpose and ultimately you feel that your life has no purpose and you're just going through the motions.

Now try looking at things a different way.

Your job as a checkout cashier helps people shopping make their payment quickly and easily. It helps your bosses keep track of what they sell so that they can measure their profits and pay their employees. You help customers decide and make their experience a lot more pleasant.

What you think is a mundane job really has a lot of purpose - but only when you look at things a little differently.

There is a lot that you can do to help you live with purpose.
Take a look at how you spend your day.
Grab a notepad and pen and write out exactly how you spend your day.
You can go hour by hour or minute by minute if you want.

Then take a look and see how many hours have set aside for YOU - this is where you get to have some time to yourself where you can do whatever you want without anyone bothering you.

So set some time aside for yourself.
Take even 5-minutes to yourself.
Read a book, a paper, have a glass of wine, go for a short walk,
read a magazine or a newspaper, go through all those crazy ads they stuff in your paper on weekends you know the kind that you never have time to read - now you have some time.
After a week you can stretch the time to 10 minutes.
It's your time to just do something you want to do.

When you calm down, when you're at peace, when your mind and body are at rest, your subconscious mind goes to work because it is no longer being bombarded with all kinds of negative information that it doesn't need.

Instead, it will help you find ways to enjoy your life and have a purpose.
Next try looking at your life a little differently

If you've had a long day and have 3 kids to feed and a husband/wife to take care of, well there's already tremendous purpose here.
You have 3 wonderful kids, a home and a spouse who depends on them now there's a lot of purpose here.
It may not be the ideal life that you want but there is purpose.
And it gets better when you recognize the purpose you attract more positive things into your life.
Focus on finding your purpose, relax, take some time to enjoy life and you will discover your purpose.

Change the way you see things.
Focus on the positive aspects of your life and you'll attract more positive situations and people.
Start living your life with purpose.
Make the time for yourself - have some fun in life.
Do things you enjoy.

Every positive thing that you do has a purpose - it has an impact on you and the people around you.
When you focus on the positive purpose you simply attract more positive things into your life.
Regularly focus on the positive purpose of your life.
Change the way you see things.
Make time for yourself.
Do things that you enjoy.

You are a powerful human being.
You can live a life filled with passion and purpose.
The smallest things and events bring the greatest joy and give you purpose.
Focus on the positive things in your life.
See the purpose in everything that you do.
You can make a difference.
You can live a wonderful life. Start now.

Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop limiting yourself.
Stretch Yourself and create all the success you want and deserve in life.
Starting Now

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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