Sunday, December 11, 2011

One Step At A Time

One step at a time. That's all you have to do.
Go one step at a time.
But when you try to take that first step - you just can't get started.

Something always comes up. You get distracted. 
You have something else to do.
You want to make more money. 
You want a better job. 
You want to meet the right person. 
You want to start a business. 
You want to get started on that project you keep putting off. 
Maybe you want to write that book...
So you tell yourself: "just go one step at a time". But then your mind tricks you. 
It deceives you. It says you can't.

But you want to succeed. 
You have to. 
You have no choice.
You set your goals, you know you have to achieve them, but when you think of all that you do you get stuck on what if island and on that island it’s raining small details. 
You tell yourself there's too much to do. 
You feel overwhelmed. 
You don't know where to begin so you don't get started. 
Instead you go back to your old habits, you put things off.
Before you know it you're further away from achieving your goals or having a better life.
And so it goes, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year.

The only reason you can't get started, get distracted, lose focus, lose sight of your goals or feel overwhelmed is because you've conditioned yourself to react that way.
Over the years you've trained your mind and subconscious mind to look at all the reasons why you can't do something instead of why you can.

You've accepted the "excuses" and they all seem legitimate. 
You've accepted the limitations you put on yourself.
You've conditioned your mind and subconscious mind to focus on the little things and ignore the big picture. That big picture is how much better your life would be if you accomplished one goal, made that one change, and finished that big project you've been putting off for so long.

But instead you look at all the little things and give up before you get started. 
That's the habit you've formed. That's what your mind and subconscious mind are used to.

So now when you decide you want to achieve a goal like making more money, getting 
a job, meeting someone, discovering your passion or whatever it is you want to change or improve; your mind rejects these ideas and compels you to feel overwhelmed, put things off or get distracted.

You never see the big picture. 
And you never succeed... 
And it happens over and over again.
You've conditioned yourself to give up.
If you let this go on it will just get worse. 
You'll just continue to push away your goals and eventually they'll be so far away you'll just give up.

Before you know it years have gone by and nothing has changed.
But you can put an end to the distractions. 
You can stop being overwhelmed, You can succeed. 
You can get your mind and subconscious mind focused, and directed - so that you achieve your goals and make those changes.

Here's how.
Think of your goals. 
Write them down if you like. 
Have some fun and list whatever it is you want to achieve. 
Then get started.
Go one step at a time. 

Simply take the first step to accomplish what you want. 
If you want to make more money, take the first step to make just one more dollar. Then 
take the next step and the next step. 
If you want to meet someone new, take the first step to meet someone, anyone as 
long as it's someone new. 
If you want to get a job, take that first step. 
Then take the next step and so on.
Now track your thoughts. 
If you're getting distracted, losing focus, feeling overwhelmed, just look at your goals and take the first step. Keep thinking about the big pictures, that end result. Then take the next step and the next step.

Your mind will fight back and try to get you to stop. 
It will do all kinds of things and it's only because that's what the mind is used to doing. 
You've been doing it so long that your subconscious now thinks that you want to be 
distracted, that you want to feel overwhelmed, that you want to lose sight of your goals and that you want to give up. 
So it will try to get you to stick with the old routine.
When that happens, take charge and re-direct your mind and subconscious. 
You need to change what's on your subconscious so that you change your actions. 
When you change what's on your subconscious you change how you feel and how you respond. 

You break the habit of giving up. 
You stop feeling overwhelmed. 
You're no longer confused or distracted. 
So feed your mind and subconscious mind new directions. 
Direct them to see the bigger picture and focus on the end results. 
Give your mind and subconscious mind the right information. 
There will always be distractions. 

That's why you need to focus on the bigger picture. 
When you look at all the little details you'll get overwhelmed. 
So keep the end result in mind.

The best analogy I can give is like driving from Atlanta to Los Angeles. 
When you get started you're excited. You're driving along and you think of the final destination and how great it will be when you get there. Along the way you get tired, stop for a break, and then you wonder - how much longer is this going to take. 
You wouldn't give up. You've made plans. 
This is a great trip. 
So you wouldn't give up and go back home. 
Instead, you'd think about that final destination and how much fun you'll have when you get there.

Do the same with your goals. 
Think of the end result. 
The more often you do this the sooner you'll see results. 
Remember your mind will try to convince you to give up. 
Your subconscious will bring up all kinds of distractions and excuses. 
That's what they're used to doing. That's the habit that you've formed. 

Change the habit. 
Start a new habit. 
Send your mind and subconscious mind new directions.

Remember You are a powerful person. 
You have tremendous powers and you have barely scratched the surface of your potential.  Those powers are harnessed in your mind and manifested in your subconscious mind. 
Start directing them to create the life you want by taking the first step.

Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it.
Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. 
Stretch Yourself and Create all the success you want and deserve starting now.
I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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