Thursday, October 20, 2011

Think Again...

You ever say you can't do something? Next time you say "I can't..." Think again.
Every time you say "I can't" you give up. And you'll never be able to achieve what you want.

So the next time you hear yourself saying "I can't" think again. And change "I can't" to "I can", heck, even "maybe I currently struggle with" is better than saying "I can't."

When you say "I can't..." you tell your higher powers and the universe that you want to give up. That you don't want to succeed because you don't believe you can. This forces your subconscious and your higher power to create more struggles and more failures.

The phrase "I can't" is really the most common negative statement you'll hear and say. 
When you say it repeatedly you create a negative mindset that destroys your life and
any chance for success.

So when you catch yourself saying "I can't" stop, and think again. When you hear somebody else say "I can't" stop them - and get them to think again.

In today's blog I'll show you how to stop saying "I can't" so that you begin to believe 
that you can and so that you get rid of this negative and limiting belief that will stop anybody
 from succeeding or getting anything done. So Read on and enjoy!

You see a good friend of mine has a habit of always saying "I can't".
And to try and help him I always counter by saying; "sure you can you're just saying 
you can't because you either really don't want to or because you're ready to give up.
Giving up is the same as quitting, so you're really ready to quit?"

But they always respond by saying; "No, no. That's not true. I don't want to give up and I don't want to quit."

"But you're saying I can't and when you say you can't you really tell the universe 
and your subconscious mind that you don't want to and that you're okay with not succeeding,
 that you're okay with failing and that you're okay with giving up." Is how I responded.

That's usually followed by a long period of silence. Then a heated protest follows and eventually my friend decides that he can and sure enough he can.

"I can't" is just another way you convince yourself to give up.

You may want to succeed, you may want to really create changes, you may really 
want to do something but you've conditioned yourself to give up, to accept the excuses,
to accept the reasons for not starting and you begin to truly believe that you can't...
so you continue to say "I can't" when you should be saying "Of course I can"

You want to have a new home, you want to make more money, you think about your goals and for just a moment you allow yourself to dream... and for that moment you think maybe, just maybe it can happen.

Then your mind creeps in and says "I can't."
The dream is over. 
The goal is fading away.
You've said the words that stop you cold - now turn it around.

When you say "I can't," Tell yourself "I can". You see the only reason you're saying you can't or saying you don't know is because you think about the big picture and what you need and that what stops you.

You might start telling yourself, I don't know how, I don't have enough money. 
I don't have the right education. Who am I to do that? I just can't...
And it continues from there.

What started with the simple thought that you can't do something has turned into a stream of negative thoughts that makes you feel like you really can't do what you want to do - that you really can't have what you want. And you no longer believe in yourself. 
This is what leads to failure.

Before you know it you're instructing your subconscious mind, your higher power and the universe to come up with ways for you to fail. They will bring you the people, situations and opportunities that will make your life difficult and cause more struggle and pain.
Now I know that's not what you really want.

So start directing your powers to bring you what you want by changing 
"I can't" to "I currently struggle with" and then back it up with more positive thoughts, think of why
 you can and how you can.

Fill your mind with all the possible ways that you can achieve your goals. When you give yourself reasons for why you can succeed you direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to help you succeed and you begin to believe in yourself.  You also begin to attract the people and situations that will help you succeed.

So pay attention to what you say. 
Think about achieving your goals.
Stop saying you can't - because you really can.
Think about how you can and why you can succeed.
Always direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to help you succeed.
Get your subconscious and your higher powers to bring you the people
 who will help you achieve your goals and allow you to enjoy your life.  

Yes you can...
Yes you can achieve your goals. 
Yes you can enjoy the success you want.
Yes you can live a better life.
Yes you can make more money.
Yes you can get that job and payoff that mortgage.
Yes you can... believe in yourself.

Think about what you want... dream if you want... let your imagination take over 
and for a moment just see yourself having everything you want...
 now tell yourself... yes I can... because you can... and start taking action…take the first action step to come close to your goals

Stretch'll be glad you did. 
Thank you and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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