Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Trust Your Intuition

Have you ever needed to make the right choice or decision but you're just not sure what to do?  It happens a lot in our lives and it would be great if you could just get the right answer with confidence and move forward.

Well, you can when you use your special power called intuition to guide you to make those decisions. 

Once you know how to trust your intuition and understand when your intuition is speaking to you, you'll easily make the right choices and enjoy greater success with ease. 

And in today’s blog I'm going to show you just how to do that and I'll show you how intuition works and how you can work with it to get the guidance you need so that you're always making the right choices. 

Your intuition is always working, always guiding you, and always helping you make the right choices.  When things don't work out it's not because your intuition isn't working or that it's not trying to guide you.  

Instead, it's because you didn't understand your intuition, didn't know it was giving you a message, or refused to listen to it because you let your emotions get involved with making the decision.  Fear of the unknown, and getting comfortable in situations that you have become used to, not willing to stretch into what you are to become.  

The most common reason for making the wrong choice or not getting what you want is that you don't truly understand when your intuition is sending you a message or you were to emotionally tied to the situation – and you just didn't see it or refuse to listen.  

Your intuition communicates in many ways, you just have to learn to pay attention and recognize its messages.  Your intuition can communicate through a friend, a colleague, your partner/spouse, a relative, a newspaper, radio, television, or a gut feeling or sense - it will communicate in many different forms.  

In order to receive that intuitive guidance you first have to be able to be patient, and listen to that still small voice and this means asking for what you want in a simple but specific way.  

Here's how you work with your intuition.  
Think of what you want.  Pray or meditate to allow your energy to focus around what you truly want.  Then begin doing what you can to make it a reality.  After a while take a break, let go and let God by releasing your control over trying to make it happen – your way.   Now don’t misunderstand this as me telling to give up.  Don't give up, just take a break.  

But when you get an urge to do something that will help you accomplish your goals go ahead but pay attention.  Listen to what others say, listen to what others suggest, see every little thing that unfolds as an opportunity to help you achieve your goal.

Trust the process.  Trust that you're always being guided to what you want and that you will get there when you make it a priority and it always happens on time.
Then see what happens.  

It works and I've seen it work in my life many, many times, even though I have tried to control the outcome.  Start making the right decisions and discover what you want by directing, applying, and following your intuition.  Learn how to trust your intuition and understand the messages.

Here's a personal example of how intuition works.

For the past year I've been trying to think of new innovative ways to assist people in getting homes and taking advantage of this down market as an investor in real estate.  I started by meeting with a good realtor friend that was having problems with calls from investors wanting help to find people wanting homes that was cash rich, but credit poor.  I talked to him and told him about various programs that would allow him to help the investor AND the people wanting homes.  He told me that he didn’t like investors and he would refer the investors to me and that he only wanted people that qualified to purchase a home.

I told him that those days of lay down deals was over and in order to be successful he would have to be creative and showed him what my company does to help them.  He turned down my offer, but I told him that I would leave the offer open when he was ready.  

So I started working without him and though the process was slow, it was successful.  I received called from old buddies that wanted me to start speaking and teaching the techniques that I had put together, but I listened to my intuition and declined their offer, opting to help on a consulting basis.

So what happened to my friend?  

I worked with the process I just outlined and then let things go by just leaving it alone.  Then one day I received a call from him excited about new techniques he had learned and thought it would be beneficial to my business.  He then went on to explain the exact same technique that I proposed to him a year ago!

I explained to him that I had approached him about working together with the same plan a year ago and that it wasn’t time for us to work together until now.  Now he understands, and we have more players to make the process easier and less time consuming.

And I tell you this that because I used the exact same steps I just outlined to get the intuitive guidance needed to help me stretch my business.

Sometimes your intuition guides you directly. Sometimes it makes the choice obvious.  Sometimes your intuition communicates through a friend or somebody you know and trust.  You have to be open minded and willing to explore all options.

Your intuition is always guiding you.

To get understand the message you need to learn how to work with your intuition, trust your feelings, and communicate with it regularly.  Once you trust your intuition the process becomes easy and it can be a lot of fun.

Follow your instincts and remember intuition can come from anywhere.  Opportunities surround you it's up to you to see them.  Learn how to recognize and understand your intuition today - Visit:  http://www.ronbroussard.com/Coaching___Consulting.html

You are a powerful human being.
You have tremendous power.
You just need to learn how to use your innate power so that you start creating the life you want. 
Stretch Yourself and begin trusting and following your intuition so that you enjoy a happier, more rewarding life.

I look forward to connecting with you soon. 

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