Friday, January 28, 2011

Stretch Out of Your Comfort Zone

Admit it.  You’re not fine.  Your not doing what your suppose to be doing.  And being in denial and getting cozy in your comfort zone can keep you from stretching yourself.

Your potential is limited by one thing; you.  You only do what you feel like doing.  You only do what’s comfortable.  That’s why you don’t have what you want.  And you’re not alone.

In a recent U.S. Survey conducted by the Conference Board, 55 percent of people were unsatisfied with their careers.  That the highest level of dissatisfaction since the group began surveying business trends 23 years ago.  I can assure you that most of those people spend their time parked in front of the television or surfing the web, watching how other people live than looking for a new job, or chasing their passion. 

We always do what’s easy; we do what feels comfortable, even when we are miserable. At some point, everyone feels stuck and dissatisfied.  Each one of us has issues we believe we cannot overcome. 

You can’t find love.
You can’t start over.
You can’t lose the weight.
You can’t make that change.

And because you feel hopeless to change, you give up.  You say things are fine, you pretend it’s all good, but on the inside you know that you want something more.

We’ve all grown tired of who we are.  We long to become something more and to become who we are meant to be.  This pursuit to become who you were meant to be is the purpose of our life on earth.

You have to become sick and tired.  Sick and tired of where you are, sick and tired of your small mindedness, excuses, and pretending that you have it all figured out, and that it will work itself out. 

Who you are today is not who you are meant to become.  And my pursuit is the same as yours, the same question we all face is:  What are you willing to change to stretch yourself to who you were meant to become?

There are great things in store for you than what’s going on right now.  The problem is when you are not doing what you are suppose to be doing, settling, and the perceived consequences you’ll have to deal with, getting whatever it is you want seems impossible. 

That’s why you turn on the TV every evening instead of going to work on your dreams.  You may be able to stop thinking about stretching yourself for a while, but that feeling that something’s missing will stick with you.

You want to know how to stretch yourself and live up to your potential?
Stop saying later, stop saying that you’re fine. 
Admit what you want to someone that cares to hold you accountable. 
And do the hard work to get it. 

I promise you, if you turn off the TV and you take the hard road, you’ll get what you want.  If you stretch yourself and do what feels uncomfortable, if you take the actions you don’t feel like taking, you can have everything you ever wanted. 

Your success is within reach.  You just don’t feel like stretching yourself for it.

Remember you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. 
Stretch yourself and create all the success you want and deserve in life

Starting now
I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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