Monday, July 18, 2011

Don't Put it Off! Keep Stretching!

Everyday I hear from people just like you who keep putting things off...
they just can't seem to get started on achieving their goals no matter how hard they try.

I know you want to accomplish great things and you can... but too often that dreaded habit of putting things off, coming up with excuses or talking yourself out of getting started holds you back.

It stops you dead in your tracks... its better known as procrastinating.

Anytime you put something off that can be done now... you're procrastinating.
The reasons for not doing something may sound legit'.  You think they're good reasons and you convince yourself that you don't have to get started... but you're really just procrastinating.

It happens to the best of us... even I do it from time to time.  Procrastination used to be my main fault all the time when I was younger in high school and in college.  But then I realized I was preventing myself from succeeding.  I was holding myself back.

And the worst part, I actually believed the excuses I came up with.
You probably believe your excuses.

Just like you, my mind was programmed to put things off and procrastinate.
So I kept doing it and nothing ever changed....

At least not until I changed my thinking.

That's when I started creating new thoughts, the kind that got me off my butt and moving. The kind of thoughts that allowed me to succeed and become the person that people turned to in order to get things done. Now I get more done in less time and I have plenty of free time to myself.

I know you can have the same level of success.
You can put an end to procrastinating and you can get more done, quickly, easily and achieve your goals.  And here’s how!

Take a look at your life... has the procrastinating forced you to put things off... postponing your success for tomorrow or some other day?
How much longer are you going to put off your dreams, your desires, your wealth and your success?
Let's face it... life would be so much better if you stop putting things off... if you stop procrastinating.

Don't try to figure out why you can't get started... just get started - put an end to the endless procrastinating.
It's a serious issue... one that will destroy your life.

Think about the most important thing that you want to get done  or accomplish in your life.
Write down your answer.

Then think about the first thing that you can do today to get started.
Write down your answer.
Then without hesitation, no thinking, just do what you wrote down.
And do it now.

Once you get started come up with your next step and keep going until you're done.

There's no time like the present.
There's no better time than today.
This is the best time to get things done. 

Don't delay.
Don't waste another day.
Now is your time to shine.
This is your life and you are in charge.
You can and will accomplish all your goals.
You have the power to succeed.
You have the ability - focus on getting things done now. 

Stretching you to continued success...

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