Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What were you thinking?....

What were you thinking?

I mean what were you thinking about during the day today, yesterday, last week?
Can you remember?

Were you filling your mind with positive thoughts?

Or were you filled with negative thoughts, worried about how things might not work out?
If you can't remember, you're not alone.
Most people don't know what they think about during the day, but those very thoughts shape and create your life.

So what do you think about?

Pay attention to those thoughts, and if they're not focused on finding solutions, if they're not positive, if they're not helping you achieve your goals, it's time to change them.
Because what you think about regularly and repeatedly is what your subconscious goes out and creates.

Now it gets a little more complicated than that, so read on and I'll explain.  Plus, in this blog I'll also show you how you can change your thinking and direct your subconscious mind to create exactly what you want, all the time.

Everyday you probably think about what you have to do, why things didn't work out, why things may have gone wrong, what somebody said or did, focus on the past, worry about the future... and the list goes on... but most of these thoughts are really useless. They don't create anything useful in your life.

Your thoughts can be magical, they can create wonderful events and opportunities, attract terrific people and situations that allow you to improve your life so that you no longer have to worry, stress, or be concerned about the future.

Your thoughts are picked up by your subconscious mind. Thoughts that you focus on regularly, lead to beliefs. Your subconscious then goes out and attracts the people, situations, opportunities based on those beliefs.

Think of your mind like a computer.  And your thoughts, feelings, memories and beliefs are the software that runs on your computer.  And beliefs are planted on your subconscious mind like software uploaded on a computer. And as we go through life, we have experiences and accumulate data until our memory fills up and our processing speed slows down.  In computers, we can free up space by deleting and compressing files. 

We do that as well, suppressing bad things that have happened to us, instead of letting go.  And when a similar situation arises, our “computer” recognizes it based on the cookies it kept and brings that files up for viewing.   

If you're not living the life you want it's only because you're not creating what you want... you're not directing your subconscious mind to create the outcomes that you want in life.
Instead, you're likely creating more of what you don't want without realizing the damage that you're causing to yourself.

It’s easy to get caught in a trap where you repeatedly attract what you don't want.
Something goes wrong in life, you may lose a job or a loved one, an investment doesn't work out, what ever it is... a series of negative thoughts follows. You start to think about what went wrong, try to understand why it went wrong, then you get negative.

Maybe you blame yourself, or you blame others, you start to doubt your ability and your resolve and you don't believe that things will ever get better.

They don't and won't get better... at least not as long as you continue to hold the same thoughts and beliefs.

Your beliefs that things won't get better, that you're not good enough, that life is hard, that you have no money... are instructions that your subconscious mind picks up and follows.

Your subconscious thinks that you want life to be hard, that you don't want to be good enough, and that you don't want to have money... so your subconscious goes out and creates the situations, circumstances and opportunities to help you live the life according to those instructions.

In the above case... your subconscious is creating exactly what you don't want and it only does this because it's following your instructions (your thoughts and beliefs).

But you can change those beliefs (the instructions).
You can give your subconscious mind a new set of directions.
You can put an end to any misery and create happiness and success instead.

If you want to start achieving your goals and a happier life... then start tracking your daily thoughts. Change thoughts that don't work for you.

Create thoughts that focus on your positive qualities and on the results that you want.
If you're worrying about something, focus or think about finding solutions.
If you're thinking about the past, let it go and think about what you want now.
What ever it is that's holding you back, change the thoughts surrounding it.

Changes won't happen right away.

Thoughts repeated regularly lead to beliefs. Beliefs create your reality.

So the next step is to change your beliefs and that means giving yourself new thoughts and holding them in your mind repeatedly.

You're in charge of your mind and you can choose to keep certain thoughts, change them or create new thoughts.

Thoughts that don't work for you, thoughts that don't allow you to succeed should be changed and you should regularly fill your mind with positive thoughts and thoughts on success.

When you have a new and positive belief system you'll begin to see changes.
So start changing those thoughts.
Create new beliefs.
You can turn your life around.
You can achieve all your goals.
You can live the life you want...
Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop limiting yourself.
Create all the success you want and deserve in life.
Starting Now

I look forward to connecting with you soon

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