Wednesday, October 5, 2011

There is Always a Reason

"I really wanna go."

"But it's closed, we'll go next week."

"But I wanna go now, I really wanna go."

"I know but there's always a reason why these things happen and soon enough we'll know. It's closed today but we'll come back."

"But I wanna go now."

Sahya, my 6-year old daughter persisted and pouted for the next 10 minutes, all the way the way home.  She really wanted to go to her swim class but the facility was closed. I hate to say this, but she looks cute when she pouts

Sahya doesn't understand that sometimes things don't work out the way we plan and that there's always a reason. We just have to be patient and the reason will reveal itself.

My wife tried to explain that things always happen for a reason.  That when we don't get what we want, or when things don't quite work out the way we want them to - there's a reason and in time the reason reveals itself.

When things don't quite work out the way you want you might respond in a similar way, and try to force things or pry open locked doors.  Instead of being open to greater possibilities you try to forge ahead, and make things happen, forcing the issue but with no success.

When you push too hard and force things to go a certain way you end up getting what you don't want. You create more struggle and more pain.

When things don't quite work out - there's always a reason and you need to be open to discovering new possibilities and be patient so that you allow the reason to reveal itself.

Sahya’s swimming class being cancelled is just a small example of the process. But a funny thing happened the day after her class was cancelled.

I got a call from another facility, that had a much better program. We had been on the waiting list and they called to let us know that a couple of spots had just opened up.  And it was at a perfect time for us and Sahya.

Sahya got into a better program and it was even more convenient.  Yes, there was a reason. And that reason revealed itself in a short time.  Sahya ended up with something much better.

But that only happened because we were focused on getting them into the right program.

We didn't get upset or try to force things when things didn't quite work out.  Instead, we kept an open mind and trusted that there was a reason and that we would find out that reason soon enough. And we did.

It works and once you master this process you'll be able to attract the right opportunities that lead to what you want or better.

So if you're struggling, if you're not getting what you want, if you're experiencing setback after setback and just can't seem to forge ahead then you need to begin applying this process.  Declare to yourself that it’s all good, meaning it is all GOD and something better is coming along.  Stay focus and work with your inner powers, and direct them to help you see the reasons, so that you see the opportunities and begin to turn things around quickly and easily. 

Usually we see the reason AFTER opportunity comes and it is better for your situation and the things you want to achieve.  Remember your intuition or your inner powers are always working for you, they're always guiding you  and helping you live a better life. When ever you want things to work out a certain way - keep an open mind.

If things don't go the way you want - remember there's always a reason.

To discover that reason and to attract and recognize the right opportunity, you need to stay focused on what you want and direct your inner powers to guide you so that you get the best possible outcome.

And you will get the best possible outcome when you are relaxed, calm, focused on letting things work out and trust that your inner powers  will bring you what you want or better.  Trying to pry the doors open or make something happen is never a good idea - and usually ends up leaving you more frustrated.

Now I know you're probably not used to trusting the process especially when there's something important at stake.
That's why you need to develop this ability.
Work with it regularly.
Start with small things, or things that are not so important.
Focus on what you want and if things don't work out, trust that there's always a reason and the reason will reveal itself when you're calm and trust the process.
Do this regularly by directing your inner powers to help you get the best possible outcome.

You have the power to create what you want and more.
You are a powerful person, more powerful than you realize.
Your inner powers want to help you - so direct them and help them help you by sending them the right requests and trusting them.
Develop this trust, learn to work with process and you'll begin stretching yourself and directing your powers to create more of what you want

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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