Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Time flies when your focused...

Wow... time sure does fly... it seems like it was January just yesterday.

Every year we all set certain goals and hopefully you were able to accomplish them.  I know there are all kinds of reasons for not achieving some of those goals... but really those "reasons" are poor excuses that your mind and subconscious mind have been conditioned to accept.
Your mind and subconscious mind are trained or conditioned to live the life you're currently living.

You may want to change, you may even try to change, but you fall into the same pattern of living because that's what your mind and subconscious mind are used to doing.  Your subconscious is really the engine that drives you - it's what makes things happen in your life. 

Your subconscious gets its instructions from the conscious mind. 
Those instructions are what you think and believe. You then take actions that reflect those thoughts - because that's what the subconscious mind thinks you want, so it compels you to take the actions that reflect your thoughts and beliefs. 

You will create what you think and believe.
So while you may want to change your life, your subconscious is used to following the old instructions, or your old thoughts and beliefs - until you change those - nothing will change It's really that simple.

What can you do?
Change the instructions. 
Change the messages you send your subconscious mind. 
Change your thoughts. 
Change your beliefs.
You'll then change your actions and start living the life you want. 

So far this has been a busy but productive year, but then again I say that every year throughout the year, that's just my attitude.  Have there been setbacks? Sure there has been!  But we are capable of overcoming all those setbacks and achieving magnificent things in our lifetime.

Now that half the year is over it's a good time to take a moment to reflect and be thankful for all those terrific things that have happened so far.

You may not be having a terrific year, but that's only because you're looking at what went wrong so far or what isn't working out.  Think about all the great things that happened, the people you met, the work you did, the changes that took place and the opportunities that arrived.

There are opportunities everywhere.

When you think about the positive things that happened and when you're thankful for those positive events, you attract more positive events and people into your life.
Focus on the negative things and you'll attract more of negative situations.

I know you want to enjoy a better life so start by being thankful of all the wonderful things that took place during the year.

Don't focus on the negative events or the setbacks. Know and believe that you will overcome those and achieve greater things in life - if that's what you focus on.
Your mind and subconscious mind are capable of doing and achieving wonderful things - all you have to do is direct them the right way. 

No matter what your situation, there are some positive and wonderful aspects... you just have to see them. Once you do that you begin to push your mind and subconscious mind toward creating a more positive and enriching life.

You may not be able to do this everyday, but if you can do it at least twice a week during the next year... you too will have a spectacular year.

Each night I give thanks for all the wonderful things in my life... 
and each day I wake up blessed with more wonderful things... 
I see them... and they arrive... you too can do the same... start today.

Remember... once you get your mind and subconscious mind working to create what you want... life will become easy, meaningful, and you'll enjoy tremendous success.

I hope you're having a terrific summer – now stretch yourself and make the rest of 2011 your best...

Remember if you don't do anything - if you don't change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want - everything stays the same - nothing changes.

This is your life - make the most of it – stretch yourself and create the relationships you deserve

Starting Now 

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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