Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stretch Your Focus!...

That one break, that one opportunity, if you could only get it would turn things around, get you back on track and lead to success and better days.

Today I'm going to show you how to get that break so that you begin to enjoy life again. 
That break that would help you turn things around is really the right opportunity. 

That opportunity could be a relationship, a promotion, a job offer, a way to make more money, a business, an investment, anything that you want... and in today’s blog I'll show you how to attract and discover that opportunity or that break quickly and easily. 

Read on and enjoy. 

There's a simple way to attract any opportunity you want. You only have to follow the process and the results will follow. 

Here's a real life example and it comes from someone who has been working with me. 

A couple of months ago I got an email and a call from a good friend who wanted me to help her friend that was moving to Atlanta.  After playing phone tag and email tag for a minute, I finally was able to meet with Megan McGlover at Houston’s.

Her goal was to get established in Atlanta with her passion which is fitness.

We talked and setup a strategy that would help her achieve her goals.  I even gave her a flip cam so she can start talking about her passion and keeping a Vlog of everything to share with others. I told her when she felt like videoing, whatever is on her mind, get in the habit of videoing.
I also suggested she keep working with what was mapped out and be open to new possibilities.

Then one day something happened that many would say was just pure coincidence. 
But we both knew it wasn't and that there was more going on. 

A snowstorm ripped through Atlanta, putting the city on an unofficial lockdown for several days.  This weather upset Megan and she made a video of it with her being a weather reporter.  She was saying what a lot of people were thinking while unable to leave their homes.

Later that evening Megan uploaded the video on YouTube.  That video received over 150,000 hits the first evening.

To cut a long story short; the videos gained so much attention she was featured on Channel 11 new talking about her videos and her passion. Megan now has a full client list; she has many opportunities coming her way that is allowing her to live her passion.

I don't think so. 

Megan had her mind made up.  There is nothing more powerful than a made up mind.  She was focused and determine and on a subconscious level was letting her faith and actions guide her to the right opportunity. She followed up with action, and continued doing everything she could to  discover the right opportunity to generate the exposure she needed for her passion.

Finally her subconscious responded and Megan listened to her instincts and followed up on an opportunity by simply by being Megan and speaking on what she felt. 

These simple acts helped her gain local celebrity status which is good for her business and launched her into what promises to be a lucrative career. 

But this all happened only after she had laid the foundation by stay focus on her passion and taking action; allowing her momentum to guide her to the right people and opportunities - then she believed that it would happen. 

You too can create the situations that will catapult you to success. 

When you feed your mind and subconscious mind the positive messages to get what you want, your subconscious goes out and creates the situations, and attracts the people to help you accomplish your goals. 

But you have to follow up.

You have to see every situation that comes up as an opportunity.
You will be guided along the way, and if you focus on making the right decisions - you will. 
You also have to follow up by following your instincts and taking action. 

Then you create the right situations and opportunities to help you accomplish your goals.
All you have to do is direct your subconscious mind to help you achieve what you want by following the simple steps outlined.

How YOU Can Create the Right Opportunities 

First let me clearly state that there is no such thing as coincidence.
Instead you orchestrate everything that happens to you - even what you think is a coincidence is created by you on some level. 

You create these so called coincidences or opportunities by working with the power of your mind and subconscious mind which works in harmony with the universe. 

You can create good or bad things in your life it's really your choice. 

The negative things that occur happen because you don't properly focus on the right things to create the kind of so called coincidences to help you. 
Or you refused to obey the warning signs that come up everyday. 
These signs help you by trying to push you in a certain direction. 
When you fail to follow these signs, things don't work out and you end up creating exactly what you don't want. 

Nothing happens by chance. 

You orchestrate every coincidence that happens in your life. 
When you accept this you empower yourself and you're able to take back control and direct your subconscious mind to attract what you want, when you want. 

Here's how you orchestrate your own apparent coincidences, situations and opportunities - including those that work for you or against you. 

When you're focused on something, when you think about it regularly, when it's a priority in your life then you'll begin to notice little coincidences pop up. 
When you're calm, relaxed and trust that you'll find or get what you're looking for then the coincidences become more apparent. 
When your mind is quiet and not filled with negative thoughts and doubts then you'll see these coincidences happen sooner.
So if you constantly worry, live in fear, or your angry, frustrated or just plain negative then you'll create coincidences that are negative or lead to more misery.
You'll attract the people who support what you constantly think about and believe.
You'll also create events that make you believe that you need to worry or be angry about something.
To create your own positive coincidences, positive opportunities or positive events focus on what you want.
Think about what you want to happen.
Then begin telling yourself that you're doing the right things and making the right choices to succeed or get what you want.
Then trust and let go.

This may not seem easy but trusting and letting go is actually the most important part.
So the sooner you get comfortable with the process the sooner you'll get results.

Be patient and be alert.

Watch for little things that come up; remember there is no such thing as coincidence.
When you notice what looks like a coincidence make a note of it and remember the process is already at work and soon the right coincidence will arrive to help you achieve your goal.

Remember you will be guided to what is best for you all you have to do is follow the signs along the road.  Read them, pay attention to what appear to be coincidences.

You can create the life you want.
You can attract the people that will help you.
You can achieve your goals and be happy.
Start creating your positive coincidences today don't waste another minute.

Remember if you don't do anything, if you don't
change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want everything stays the same nothing changes.
This is your life! Make the most of it.

Don’t settle for the ordinary; Be Extraordinary!
Stretch Yourself and Create the Relationships you deserve.

Starting Now

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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