Monday, January 10, 2011

Who is Renting Space in Your Head?

Make Deposits to Overcome the Negative

“Where would you be, what would you have and how would you think differently if you didn’t let anyone, anything, any economy or negative thoughts in your past rent space in your head?  We have to be very aware of what or who we are allowing to occupy space in our heads that should be there.  And in order to change it, you have to first acknowledge it.

It’s not enough just simply chanting affirmations; you have to consistently make deposits in every aspect to your life. 

That is the key. 

Just like making deposits is a key part of having a bank account.  If you don't make deposits, your bank account will eventually run out of money and you won't be able to use it anymore.

So here in this blog, we'll explain how to get more deposits into your soul so your mental, spiritual, and physical state keeps running smoothly, allowing you to stretch yourself to your fullest potential.  So read on…

How to Make a Deposit

When you receive a check that you want to deposit you flip it over and one end of the check there are usually a few lines on one end of the check that say "Endorse Here." Endorsing in our sense of discussion basically means that this is something that you believe will work. 

The definition of Believe (lieve) is a European term meaning love.  So if I believe in myself I love myself. 

I have never known someone with a very poor belief in themselves to have a deep, long, rich fulfilling relationship in any aspect of their life.  So believe that each deposit you make will make a significant change in your life both in the short term and in the long run.

Then, make your deposits on a consistent basis.  If you are making a mental deposit, make sure you are meditating or praying to start your day in the right mind frame.  Listen to something that is inspirational, insightful, that moves and sets your soul on fire to take action.  If you are making a physical deposit, make sure you are doing something to improve your physical health by going to the gym, walking, running, or exercising to a DVD in your home.  This deposit is very important to lower stress levels and ward off any impending sickness.  If you are waiting till Sunday to make your spiritual deposit, stretch your relationship with God by talking to your God EVERYDAY.  Making that conscious effort get those thoughts into your heart and allows you to move forward in confidence.

The definition of confidence broken down means con = with and fidence = faith so if I have confidence I move forward “with faith”.

Making these deposits can quickly add up to large account of confidence and belief in you, your abilities, and your potential to be successful.  When people sense victory, they look for ways to win.  When people sense failure they look for excuses.
Funds Availability

Lastly when you make deposits consistently, this account is available immediately. There is no length of time you'll have to wait to access these deposits and they are two fold!  Not only have they helped your increase but you are able to help others because of your increase!

At any point in your life these deposits will become very important because you will be able to make a withdrawal based on your life experience to deal with any situation, or be a blessing to someone in the future.

Approach every day with a plan that allows you to make deposits on a consistent basis.  It will give you a sense of moving towards the successes you want and at the end of the day, you will be incredibly fulfilled.

Remember this is your life, this is your year!
What will you accomplish?
Stretch yourself to the next level, one deposit at a time.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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