Monday, October 18, 2010

There is no coincidence

You're attracting things into your life everyday.

Some are good, some not so good.

Sometimes you think it's just coincidence.

It's not.

There really is no such thing as coincidence.

Instead, you attract what you think about... it just seems like coincidence.

You attract all kinds of little coincidences everyday...
mostly without knowing exactly how you're doing this.

In today’s blog I'll show you how you can use your inner power to create the kind of coincidences you want, when you want... so that you begin to enjoy your life every day. Read on and enjoy!

Creating "coincidences" is something I've been doing for awhile now and it's something that's as easy as thinking.

That's really all that's involved. And with the right kind of thinking you can have little coincidences that lead to great success.

All you have to do is focus on something repeatedly and then pay attention to the little "coincidences" that come up.

They're not really coincidences... they just seem that way.

Once you realize that you're creating everything the process becomes fun and easy.

After all, it's always more fun to succeed than to fail... and with the right so called “coincidences" you can have tremendous success everyday.

Here's how it really works: Your subconscious mind is attracting the situations, people and events that are connected to what you want - or what you're focused on.

So if you don't want something to happen, don't focus on it too much.

Instead, focus on what you want.

I experiment with this all the time and it's something I highly recommend that you do.

Start with something small and not very significant.

Then pay attention to all the little coincidences that pop up.

For example: Last year I was looking for a nanny recently, someone who could help take care of the kids and do some work around the house while my wife was out of country and I was busy coaching clients.
Within days I had about a dozen friends tell us about nannies that were available. And it continued... an friend had someone become suddenly available because her client no longer needed her... then another friend knew someone who knew someone who only dealt with girls.

Coincidence? Not a chance.

It was my inner power bringing all these opportunities.

With so many options I had to refine our focus and concentrate on finding the right one... which I did.

These people were always around me.

I just never saw the nannies because my mind and inner power were not tuned in to finding one.

So why did it happen this time?

Because my subconscious was focused on it.

And I paid attention to the "coincidences" or opportunities that came up.

I saw these opportunities.

But this only happens because when you're paying attention, otherwise you never see the opportunities.

The Nanny situation is an example of a small but important thing that I able to achieve relatively easily simply by focusing on what I want and paying attention to the opportunities.

This process works for even the most important things that you want to change or improve in your life.

Here's how it works:
What ever you focus on and regularly think about you will attract.
And here's the interesting part when you focus on something you'll start to notice things related to it.
They don't magically pop up. Instead, your mind makes a note of what you're focused on. Then when something related to what you're focused on comes up your mind quickly notices it (your subconscious mind has been quietly working in the background to bring these things closer to you and you to them).

It seems like coincidence... but it's not.
Your mind is trained to filter out all of the junk that you're not focused on.
Your mind will then force you to pay attention to things related to what you're focused on, while ignoring all the stuff that is not related to what you are thinking about.

Last example: Remember when you bought your first car. You thought your car was the only car in that color that you have seen around. But as soon as you drove it off the lot you saw your car, same color almost on every corner. Why? Part of your brain is known as the Reticular Activating System - or RAS. Your RAS plays a vital part in your ability focus on what you want. Your reticular activating system is like a filter between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. It takes instructions from your conscious mind and passes them on to your subconscious. In this case, the instruction was, "look out for cars like mine".

So you can deliberately program your reticular activating system by choosing the exact messages you send from your conscious mind.

If you want to make more money - focus on making more money.
If you want to be in a great relationship - focus on being in a great relationship.
Think of ways you can achieve your goals.
Then pay attention to the little "coincidences" that come up.
These "coincidences" will help you achieve what you want... if you pay attention and follow up.

Once you start doing this you're basically instructing your mind to pay attention to possibilities for you to succeed.
You're also instructing your subconscious mind to attract the opportunities for you to be successful - very important.
So you'll need to pay attention and follow up on those opportunities.
See opportunities everywhere and you'll find the little coincidence that helps you succeed.
Get your mind to regularly focus on what you want.
Think about what you want and then begin to think of how you can achieve your goals.

Every day you are creating your life.
Your thoughts are instructions to your subconscious mind.
If you have scattered thoughts you're sending scattered instructions to your subconscious mind and you likely will never achieve success.
Imagine getting into a taxi and giving the driver scattered instructions... you won't get very far.

The same applies to your subconscious mind.
If you have focused, directed thoughts backed with beliefs that allow you to succeed you will enjoy tremendous success.
Your subconscious mind will have clear directions and will be able to create the little coincidences that will allow you to succeed.
Decide what you want to achieve and focus on succeeding regularly.
Think of ways to succeed.
Ask your subconscious to help you find ways to succeed.
Then take a moment to enjoy your day.

When you're relaxed and calm, your subconscious will go to work and begin creating those little coincidences for you to succeed.
Remember - pay attention and see opportunities everywhere.
Practice this with small things first, then as you get comfortable expand and begin to enjoy the life you want.

You are in charge of your destiny.
Focus on what is important.
Make your goals a priority.
Train your mind to pay attention to the opportunities that will help you achieve your goals.

Get your subconscious mind to guide you to the people and situations that will help you live the life you want.

Give your subconscious clear directions.
Begin believing in yourself.
Believe that you can and will achieve your goals.
Start working creating the life you want today - Make this your time to shine.
Get your mind and subconscious mind working for you - so that you live the life you want.
Pay attention - opportunities are around you everywhere – train your mind to see them.

You can achieve your goals.
You can improve your life and the lives of those around you.
Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting
yourself. Create all the success you want and deserve in life.
Stretch Yourself and create the life you want

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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