Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why are some people are so "lucky?..."

You ever wonder why some people are so “lucky”?

You know the kind of “luck” that seems to have everything going for them?   Things just work out for them no matter what they do.

Why are they so “lucky”?  (I'm sure you've asked that question at some point)
In today’s blog I'll answer that question and I'll show you how to create the same kind of good “luck” so you become one of the “lucky” ones who enjoys success and much more. 
So read on and enjoy! 

You create your own “luck”, plain and simple.  

I've been saying it for many moons, “you attract what you reflect”.  If you think and believe you're “lucky”, you'll have good things happen.

I've always believed I'm a “lucky” guy, in fact, I say it all the time.  And then I focus on all the good things in my life, am grateful, and anticipate on greater things to come.
I could just as easily focus on all that is wrong and say how un”lucky” I am... then I'd just end up attracting and creating negative events in my life.  But why do that why do that when you can enjoy good “luck” and have things work out for you.
You can be “lucky” if you want to, and now (after all these years) even scientists agree... that you do create your own “luck” and it all starts with how you think and what you believe.
Researchers followed 400 people between 18 and 84 for 10-years, hoping to find out why some people are “lucky” and others are not.

What they found surprised them (but not me - I've been saying it for many moons).  

Here's their conclusion: you create your own luck based on what you think about, what you focus on and how you see things, all of which you can change

Sounds like a simple process to me... yet millions of people choose to focus on everything that is going wrong and how un”lucky” they are. Then things get worse and they can't understand why they're so un”lucky”.  
Once you change the way you think and the way you see things you will begin to create your own good luck and good fortune.  

It's really that simple.  But wait there's more.  

Researchers ALSO found that “lucky” people are “lucky” because they seize opportunities; they create positive beliefs about themselves, and take action to turn negative events into positive situations by looking at what went right, and how things could have been much worse.

They focus on the positive aspects.
Instead of complaining, they're thankful for what happened and look at the positive side of the situation; they always see the glass as half full.  If you're not doing any of the above then you may find that you have more "bad" luck than good luck.
Start creating good luck.
Begin attracting what you want.
Train your mind and subconscious mind to be more positive and more optimistic.
Decide and Act!  Direct your mind and subconscious mind to recognize opportunities and start to believe that you really are a “lucky” and fortunate person.
Create a belief system that allows you to be “lucky” so that you have the life you want and more.

“Lucky” people have more opportunities than those who are un”lucky” because they try to find the silver lining or opportunity in every situation. 

Un”lucky” people miss opportunities because they're too busy looking for something else, or complaining, they're not open to possibilities and feel they have to do things a certain way.  

“Lucky” people also change their approach, try different things and are willing to take a chance.  

Un”lucky” people insist on things being a certain way, that they know better and that they're always right.  

You can go from un”lucky” to being “lucky” - and here's more proof.  

Those same researchers later convinced a large number of those in un”lucky” people in their group to try doing things differently.  

Amazingly, 80-percent of those who changed the way they did things, focused on the good fortune rather than the bad fortune, changed the way they thought, became more positive and open minded... ended up being happier and more satisfied with their lives... and wait for it... they started to have good luck and had good things happen...  

Can you imagine that!  A few simple changes leads to a better life and you can go from having bad “luck” to good “luck!” 

Ready to change your “luck”?   You can.  

Break those negative habits and create new habits
that allow you to enjoy life, succeed and have good things happen.
Train your mind and subconscious mind to start working for you by getting those great powers to
move you in a new and positive (or “lucky”) direction.
Start creating your own good luck today.
Here's to your success and good fortune... 

Remember if you don't do anything, everything stays the same - nothing changes.
This is your life - make the most of it – stretch yourself and begin working with the power of your mind and subconscious mind to create the life you want.

I look forward to connecting with you soon. 

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