Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mental Text Messaging

Have you ever thought of someone and in a couple of days or THAT day they called? And what did you say? “I was just thinking about you!” That situation happened to me yesterday with a lady I called to return some audio equipment. She said she was going out of town for business and she needed to talk to me and I called.” I told her that she mentally text messaged me and we got a laugh out of it, but I could not have been any truer.

We do possess this gift whether we should to be conscious of it our not. And in today’s blog I will show you how to be more conscious of a power that we use without knowing it.

Yesterday I asked myself, "What's his name?"

I was trying to recall the name of an old acquaintance who is an expert in a particular area I needed help with.

You see I an epiphany and I knew who could help me with this project, but I had to find the right person.

Now I've met a lot of people in my life and I knew there was someone I was connected with that could help me.

So I started asking myself - "I know that can help me with this I need to remember their name?" At first there was no answer - my mind would actually say: "you're on your own with this one." I knew the negative side of my mind trying to turn a mole hill into a mountain (yes I get negative thoughts too at first).

I also knew that I knew the person that could help me with this.

Then I took the next step - I started instructing my subconscious mind. (yes I do practice what I preach).

Here's what I did:

I made a declaration and said to my mind and subconscious mind: "I need help resolving this major issue. I know the person that can help me resolve this quickly, easily and inexpensively." (yes, I like free99 and love to save money when I can)

I continued saying: "Now guide me to the person or people that will help me fix, resolve
this issue quickly, easily and inexpensively." Then I said - "I know the person or people that can help me fix, resolve this issue quickly and inexpensively. I've found the right person or people to help me with this issue."

Then I let it go... which wasn't easy.

You see this issue has been causing a lot of stress on me and at home.
But I knew I had to let it go otherwise I wouldn't get the answer.
So to let it go I took the family out for dinner and didn't discuss the issue until the next evening.

That night a number of names popped into my head.

There were 2 people specifically that I thought would be able to help me.
But I couldn't remember their last names.

I searched for an old Rolodex that would have their names, but couldn't find it.

Huh? I thought... that's interesting. Okay, now I need to get their last names so I can locate them (at least google them to see if they come up). So what's his name? I asked my mind and subconscious.

I knew I'd get the answer, I always do. And even though I needed it ASAP, I had to trust the process. What's his name? I kept asking.

Then I let it go - this time by simply going to the garage and doing some yard work around the home.

I came back to the office and it hit me. Both names popped into my head back to back.
I found both people and got the right one to help me resolve this situation quickly, easily and inexpensively.

Boy, things are a lot calmer now that I have the right person on board.

The process works and I've applied this process to get help and answers for some of
the most challenging situations I've faced.

Whether you want money, better health, to meet the right person or just want to get
a good parking spot (I've used it for that too), the process works - all the time. You just have to be patient and instruct your mind and subconscious mind to bring you the answer, solution or people to help you get what you want.

It's easy and it's effective.

This technique is pretty simple and we use it everyday unknowing and sometimes unfortunately we get too stressed because we want the answers and solution immediately.

That kind of stress doesn't allow the process to work.

Now I know it's natural to worry and get stressed, especially when you need to resolve something or get an answer quickly. In most cases the solution doesn't appear right away.
But the key to having success with this technique is to be patient and trust that everything will work out.

That means you have to build confidence in the process.
So don't try to apply it to something very important for the first time and expect results right away.
Instead, start using the technique on small things, like getting a parking spot.

Have some fun with it and see what happens.

By applying it to small things you'll build your confidence and then
you'll be able to use it to get answers and guidance when ever you need.
When you direct your mind and subconscious mind you apply an incredible power that will bring you what you want.

But you have to apply it correctly and regularly.

That means eliminating the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that block your power.
It also means clearing your mind regularly and applying these specific techniques every day.

You are a powerful human being.
You can accomplish all your goals.
You can live the life you want.
You can make the right choices.
Being applying the power of your mind and subconscious mind so that you enjoy a more rewarding, fulfilling life

Remember if you don't do anything - if you don't change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want - everything stays the same - nothing changes.

This is your life - make the most of it - begin working with the power of your mind and subconscious mind to create the life you want.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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