Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Get More of What You Want Sooner

Today’s blog is to teach you a simple, powerful and effective way to stretch yourself to get more of what you want sooner.
Whether it's a new home, a job, making more money, meeting the right person,
better health, more time, more freedom, less stress - this method works and it's so simple I teach it to my daughters, Neena and Sahya, who are 6 and 5 respectively.
But first you have to know what you want.
You see everyday many of us do things that we don't really want to do, but we feel we have to. We'd much rather be doing something else.
But as you keep doing more of what you don't want you could easily forget what
it is you really want.
Then one day you decide to think about what you want and you come up with
a definitive "I don't know."
Or you have a good idea but it seems so far out of reach that you just go back
to doing what you were doing, settling for less, giving up on dreams and getting
more of what you don't want.
But what you want is a lot closer than you think or realize. You can get what you
want more easily than you think possible.
It all starts with you, and how you work with your inner power, or your intuition or feelings. – That part of you that is connected to a higher power that will help you get what you want and allow you to enjoy a wonderful, rewarding life.
How would you like to make the right decisions, get something specific, achieve your goals, improve your life or find something that you really need?
This inner power that I'm referring to is your best friend and can help you make the
right decisions all the time so you always get what you want (and a lot of other great things happen in the process).
This power if your intuition.
You see I've been relying on my intuition for years.
And when I follow my intuition I'm always happy and get what I want.
Now let’s be clear, intuition isn't always your gut feeling. A lot of people refer to "gut feeling" - which is part of intuition. But in many cases your conscious mind, which I call your comfort protector, often gets in the way and screws things up so you end up further away from what you want. See your subconscious wants to keep you comfortable, in the box, surviving, and not thriving and being successful.
The trick is to be able to separate your intuitive voice from your conscious mind.
Once you know how to do this the results will amaze you.
So how can you tell if your intuition is giving you a message or if your conscious mind
is trying to misguide you?
Intuition isn't always an internal voice telling you to do something or not to do something.
It can be an internal voice - but doesn't always work that way.
Intuition is a partner sending you a message.
It can deliver that message in through a friend, relative, loved one, newspaper, radio,
television, and any other medium.
You see your intuition is always at work, trying to guide you.
Unfortunately most people don't listen to intuition.
You may not be picking up on these intuitive messages because you're waiting for an internal message.
But it doesn't always work that way.
When you do get an internal message - make sure you don't confuse it with your subconscious mind.  
So how do you get your intuition to guide you to what you want?
Think about what you want.
Ask your subconscious mind to help you find ways to get what you want.
Direct your conscious mind to focus only on what you want.  You will know when you’re on the right path because your subconscious will give you all the reasons not to – starting with your fears.  Focus on what you want – then take action towards getting results.  This sends a clear instruction to your intuition - giving it the details of what you want.
Now here's the important part.
Clear your mind of any negative thoughts and beliefs that your subconscious tries to connect to what you want.
You won't succeed unless you believe you can and take action.
Your intuition won't be able to guide you if you're filled with negative thoughts and beliefs?
Why not?
Because you need to trust your intuition - like you would trust your best friend to come
through for you.
Negative thoughts and negative beliefs display a lack of trust.
Those thoughts and beliefs say that you don't trust your intuition and that you doubt it will deliver.
You have to be open minded and trust that you will succeed.
So clear your mind of the negative thinking.
Get rid of the negative beliefs.
Focus only on what you want.
Be clear about what you want.
Trust that you will get what you want.
Believe in yourself and believe in your intuition
Watch for guidance and messages.
They could come from anywhere.
Opportunities will begin to surface regularly, explore them and focus on making the right decisions.
You can succeed.
You will achieve your goals.
You are capable of having what you want and more.
You can have a better, more fulfilling and rewarding life.
Believe in yourself and believe in your inner powers.
Start directing your subconscious mind and intuition to get you what you want
Remember – It is Your VIEW on LIFE- you only get one chance.
This is not a dress rehearsal; it is a live recorded reality show starring YOU!
Stretch yourself and make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting
yourself. Create all the success you want and deserve in life.
Starting now
I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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