Friday, July 30, 2010

Change Happens Very Quickly

Change happens very quickly, or so it seems.

Take a look around, things have changed dramatically.

Your life is evolving and changing everyday, you may not notice the changes, but their happening... under the surface.

Until one day you notice things have changed, and it seems like the change happened quickly, but it really didn't.
The changes were taking place under the surface for some time and then all of a sudden they became more apparent.

You have the power to create what ever changes you want in life.  If you like, you can even make those changes happen very quickly, especially when you follow what I outline in today's blog.  

Your life has undergone dramatic changes over the last 20-years.

Some of those changes you may have wanted. 
Some you may not have been comfortable with or just didn't want.
But how many changes did you actually create?
I mean how many times did you really say... I'm going to change -----and then go out and make it happen?

Most people don't do that.

Most people leave things until they reach a point where the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change.
Changes are going to happen whether you like it or not.

But if you don't take charge and create the changes you want you'll end up in situations you don't like and live a life you don't enjoy.

So start creating the changes you want.


By deciding what you want. It’s that simple

Once you know what you want you can instruct your subconscious mind to help you make what you want a reality.

This is a big shift in stretching yourself and you will get resistance... from yourself.
You see a part of you doesn't want change... that part likes to leave everything as is. That part merely wants you to survive and not thrive, and stretch yourself into abundance defined only by your terms.

But a bigger part of you wants things to change.
So the two sides have to come together. 
And you bring them together by focusing on what you want and constantly remembering
how creating what you want will change and improve your life.
Once that happens your subconscious mind kicks into high gear... because now you're telling it what you want and why.

Your subconscious goes to work and helps you achieve your goals in many ways...
some of which you may not even consciously consider.
Things start to happen and before you know it you start creating the exact changes that you want - you start to enjoy life.

You're no longer the victim of circumstances.
Instead you're the creator of your own life.

For example: if you want to improve a relationship - focus on finding ways to improve it. Realize and remember how improving that relationship will help you enjoy your life more (this is the why part).
Now tell yourself that you are improving the relationship with (name the person)...
If you want to start a business think of the exact kind of business you want and then remember how this business will help you improve your life (the why part again).
Next begin telling yourself that you know how to start this business and get started.
You will want to put things off... only because that's what you're used to doing. 
You may want to give up... but that's only because you're not focusing on how achieving your goal will improve your life.
If you focus on why you might fail and so you'll attract the situations to help you fail, and in the end you'll fail... or give up... which is the same as failing.

When you focus on how succeeding will change your life and think about why you can succeed (instead of why you might fail) you attract the situations, people and events to help you succeed.

This is how you create the changes you want. 

At first it may seem like a long process but remember the changes begin under the surface.

As you continue, and change your thoughts, beliefs and actions... you'll  begin to see the changes until one day you'll notice a significant shift... and that's when dramatic changes happen quickly.

You can speed up the process when you regularly direct your mind and subconscious mind to create what you want. 

You do this by regularly changing your thoughts.
You'll also need to create new beliefs - the kind that help you succeed. 
And you'll have to implement a new pattern of thinking... so that you focus on what you want, attract what you want and begin living the life you want. 

You have the power to create the kind of life you want.
You have the power to succeed and enjoy your life. 
You have the power - it's the power of your mind and subconscious mind.

This is your life. 
Make the most of it. 
Achieve all that you desire. 
Work with your inner powers to create the life you want. 
You can achieve your goals. 
You can succeed. 

Remember – this is Your VIEW on LiFE. you only get one chance.
Make the most of it.
Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself.
Stretch Yourself and Create all the success you want and deserve in life.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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