Sunday, June 20, 2010

"I will buy it for you"...

"I will buy it for you"... my 5 year old daughter confidently said to me this morning.

"Why thank you Sahya (pronounced sigh~ ya)... and with what will you buy it?" I asked... just to see what her imagination would come up with...

"Money." She quickly responded

"You have money?" I asked

"Yes." She responded as she reached into the back of her pants and pulled out an imaginary pile of money which she handed to me "Here." She said.

My daughter believes she has all the money she needs....
all she has to do is reach into her back pocket and it appears.

Now that's a powerful belief and she's already programming her subconscious to manifest more money than she needs.

It may be imaginary money today... but years from now... it will be real.

You see, she doesn't know it yet, but my 5 year old daughter is already directing her mind and subconscious mind to create what she wants. Her older sister Neena is doing the same thing.

Of course I'm encouraging them every step of their way (I'm their personal cheerleader).

You see years ago, when I was a young boy, I used to imagine writing my own checks.

Using withdrawal slips I collected every time I went to the bank with my mom, I would write out large sums to myself and sign them.

I was programming my subconscious but didn't know it at the time.

And today I have my own company... and write my own checks.

The process of programming your subconscious works...
and the key is to let your imagination run...

My kids are smarter than me (or so it seems).

They'll just reach into their back pockets and pull out all the money they need.

Why bother with a business or checks.

Once their subconscious catches on... lookout... things could get really interesting.

Are you using your imagination to create your future?

Or are you worried about your finances, concerned where money will come from, and not trusting that you will have all that you need.

Your subconscious has been programmed to create your current life.

How much money you have or don't have is a direct result of your beliefs and thoughts about money.

If you believe you can and will have all that you want and need - you will.
If you believe and think that you can write your own checks you will.
When you take action towards your beliefs, you will create situations and opportunities to allow you to create your own abundance.

But if you believe that it's difficult to make money, or that there are no opportunities, you'll always struggle.
It doesn't matter what you're circumstances are.
It doesn't matter if you think that it's difficult to make money.
It doesn't matter if you think there are no opportunities.

You can erase all the negative thinking and all the limiting beliefs that have been destroying your life, quickly and easily.
You can attract more wealth, and enjoy the life you want.
You can have more money and financial security.
You have the power to attract massive amounts of wealth, today, tomorrow and everyday.

Before you know it you'll be reaching into your back pocket and pulling out bankrolls ... it will be an abundant supply... let your imagination run wild and start creating all the wealth you want...

Here's to writing your own checks in life.... 

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