Monday, June 14, 2010

Cash In On Your Relationship Chips…Your Destiny Awaits

Did you know that when you stretch yourself and create effective fulfilling relationships that you have your own personal network standing in the wings, ready and waiting to help you get closer to achieving whatever you want in life?

Your problem is that you haven’t stretched yourself to realize their true potential.

About 6 years ago, I pulled my back and after getting myself in shape to where I could lift weights again, I was still feeling pain in my lower back.  I was pain stricken, so I immediately started to ask everyone for help.

And when I say everyone, I mean everyone.

I’d be working out in the gym and hear someone talk about back pain and ask “What chiropractor do you use?  I would ask anyone at the post office, the check out lady, friends – anyone who would listen was fair game.

And slowly but surely, one request at a time, I was connected to more people, who gave me more information that led closer to what I wanted.  It took a lot of questions, dead ends, and empty promises, but I ran across a chiropractor close to my home and it was not expensive.  Yes!

But there was only one catch; he was booked solid for 2 months.

I wanted in.  But how?

I had tapped into my network, met all those new contacts, and in the process found chiropractor.  What if I revisited them all to see if they could help me get in sooner to see him?   I’d turn my relationships into my own personal calling card.

So I went back through the people I had spoken to and asked anyone that were close to him to put a good word in for me.  By asking for help, I had created a personal calling card that was now ready to sell.

What were they selling?  Me.

I receive these recommendations, and the chiropractor bumped me to see him the following week.  I was in!  I had cashed in on my relationship chips and gotten exactly what I was after.

You can do the same.  Life is about connecting and creating.  You know people.  Those people know other people or have information that can help you. 

You are going to use your network to help you get what you want.  Here how:

  1. Identify your needs
  2. Ask, Ask, Ask!
  3. Most importantly, keep in the loop as your search progresses and be appreciative.  Thank them for helping

It’s really that easy.  Ask for advice, casual input – anything.  Be specific, Appreciative, and thank them.

I tell everyone if you have authentic relationships, you have relationship chips waiting to be cashed in.

Identify, Ask, Appreciate

You’ll be surprised how far your network is willing to help you get exactly what you want.

Cool, right?  It’s easier than you think.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.        

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