I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR! There is not better time to take inventory of your business from where you are to where you want to be than this time you have right HERE right NOW. This time, from we have at the end of one year and the beginning of the next. This is the time where you can see what has worked and what hasn't worked, but more importantly, what expectations you want to achieve in the next year that you want your business to be, look, and feel.
So to help you stretch yourself for the NEW Year and the infinite possibilities that is out there waiting for you to seize the moment, I thought I’d share some simple steps to get you and your business started in the right direction.
First step is to start cleaning out the old year. Are you surrounded by papers you started or wanted to get to? If you have done nothing with it you’re not going to start now so throw it away. NOW is the time to clean to make room for all the new business and opportunities that will come your way (IF there is room for it (wink!))
What about old products, programs or services? Is everything you're offering in your business updated and current? Is it still a good fit? Or maybe there's something that doesn't work with your brand anymore?
And don't forget to look at yourself, your mindset, and your good and bad habits. What are you still not doing you KNOW you should be? What habits or blocks are you going to be consciously aware of and will work to throw them away too?
Let’s get it all out there, all the good, bad and indifferent. Write everything down you want to throw out with the old year. Remember, this not all about clearing away what you don't want or don't need any more physically in the office like papers, but mentally, and even spiritually as well..
Next, Be thankful for what you HAVE accomplished. Take a moment and write down everything you DID accomplish this year. What are you grateful for? What are you most proud of? Bring the NEW YEAR in celebrating your accomplishments and anticipating what is to come-- take the time to do this. (If you're anything like me, I look at how far I’ve come and reflect on it and really get into the emotion of how I felt for what I have accomplished so far. It used to be difficult for me to celebrate anything; I was always looking at the next step. I was glad but I was constantly looking at all the things I WANTED to do and didn't.)
Lastly, lay the foundation for the New Year. Some of the things I do include updating my Vision board (yeah, I have a vision board too!) and rewriting down my goals in my red GOALS journal. Then I put together a marketing and promotional plan for the year so I can reach those goals.
You also may want to take some time and invest in your own self growth and development. Is there some training you would like to attend? (I’m going to the John Maxwell Training in March) Is there a program you need to buy? A coach or consultant you need to hire? Or maybe there's something you need to implement. (Like some new habits to work on consistently to let go of the old habits that no longer serve you for good?)
Now, when you set up a plan, make sure you do the right thing and set yourself up for success. Some people make plans so unrealistic that they set themselves up to fail. So create a realistic plan with your success in mind. Don't make it so overwhelming or paint yourself in a corner so there's no way for you to succeed. Stretch Yourself, but be realistic too. There's no shame in taking small steps toward your goal -- the only shame is making yourself feel bad because you didn't give yourself a realistic plan to meet your goals.
And, whatever you do, don't forget to celebrate along the way! You deserve it.
Stretch You Towards Success,
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