Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No More Waiting

No more waiting, No more putting things off!
Today you start creating your success,  living the life you want,  making more money, and getting what you want...

But just as you think about getting started those negative thoughts creep in.

Your mind comes up with excuses... like:
Wait, don't start now, start on Monday. Or I’ll start tomorrow,
Wait until (insert that magical date here)

These are just some of the tricks your mind plays with you when you want to get started on something.

You may want to achieve a particular goal, start a business, change careers, meet someone new,  or make more money. You really want to succeed.

But you put things off because that's what you're used to doing. This habit is now planted on your subconscious mind. And once a habit is on the subconscious mind you just keep doing the same things over and over again.

So if you're used to putting things off, or telling yourself to wait and wait... Well you'll keep waiting for your success.  And that success will be put off over and over again.

Your success will never happen if you keep putting it off.
You want to make more money, take that vacation, get that new car, or buy that new home.  Or you may just want to feel like you've achieved your success by living the life you want now.
And you can... When you take charge and take the first step by taking action now to make success happen.  It's a lot easier than you think when you get out of your own way.

Success doesn't wait for you nor does it just come to you.  You have to take action to bring success in your life.  Putting off your success just means your current situation and circumstances stay the same even longer.

You want change, You want to improve your life, You want to achieve your goals.  NOW is the time to get your subconscious to work with you to help bring you success. To o that you have to take massive action, despite what you mind may tell you, despite what anyone may tell you that you can’t do.  Don’t put it off.  Start now.

When you put things off, when you agree to wait, you tell your subconscious mind that you don't want success.  And your current situation and circumstances continue to get worse, based on your limiting beliefs fueling your subconscious to create more of what you don't want.

So turn things around today.  Begin creating the success you want today.  Begin by taking action and giving your subconscious mind concrete beliefs to help bring you the success you want so that you enjoy life.

Follow the simple steps I outline in stretch yourself with a free one hour personal consultation and you'll begin to see where you have to maintain your focus, and you’ll motivate yourself to success.
You'll begin enjoying life again and the process that helps you get your subconscious to  work with you to bring you exactly what you want and more.
Contact me for a free one hour consultation and see how you can stretch yourself and create the relationships you deserve in life.
You can live the life you want.
You can have the success you want.
You can achieve your goals.
You can have more money.
You can make the right choices

Stretch you towards tremendous joy and success...

Ron Broussard
Stretch Yourself

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