Tuesday, February 28, 2012

They Didn't Know Better....

They didn't Know...They didn't know better.
They said you had to work hard to succeed.
That success only comes with great sacrifice.
That money is not good - you'll have to give up everything just to make more money.

You believed them.

You work hard, you want to succeed but you still don't feel like you're getting ahead.
Maybe you look at your bank account and you wonder when will all that hard work payoff.
Or maybe you want to meet the right person but every relationship fails and you're still searching for that right person.

Somebody probably told you that relationships are difficult and you believed them.
You adopted these beliefs from others, and most of those people (if not all) are not very successful.
They're just projecting their beliefs on to you, and you accept them.

But they really don't know if you can or can't be successful.
Only you get to decide whether you can be successful.
Only you can decide what success means to you.

So take a look at those beliefs that say you can't or that say something is hard to do and put them aside.
Now just think about achieving that goal. At first you'll think maybe, just maybe you can.

But then those negative thoughts creep in.
Those beliefs that you adopted from others take over.

And then you wonder - "what's the point?" The solution - get rid of those beliefs that others gave you.
You don't need them.
They don't do you any good.
All you have to do is take the right steps at the right time for you.
When you start doing the right things at the right time you'll achieve the success you want a lot sooner.
It starts to get easy.

And here's a simple formula that you can follow to make sure you do the right things at the right time
Choose to be successful.
Choose to live the life you want to live.
Choose the relationship you want to have.
Then take action towards learning to be the best in those areas.
Have Faith and don’t listen to the naysayers that say you can’t
And you will succeed.

Sure you may have had some failures.
But you can't get stuck on those failures.
Instead, you should focus on the success you've had in the past. It can be anything - small or big - as long as you felt successful. Doing this creates success energy.
That success energy draws more success to you.
It brings you more situations that lead to greater success.
Your subconscious mind and your inner powers pick up on that success energy and it resonates.
That's how you enjoy more success.

But when you focus on the failures you create failure energy. And you attract situations that lead to more failure.  So focus on your success - no matter how small it may seem.
It creates more success energy that leads to greater success.

Now there's a lot more you can do to achieve the success you want. And there are many ways to direct your subconscious mind and inner powers to bring you the success you want.

Some of them work well and some don't work so well.

In my Stretch Yourself program I've put together a complete system that shows you walks you through creating the success you want in any area of your life.  To learn more, go to www.stretchyourself.org

You see it took me years to put this together.  I spent a lot of time interviewing successful people and see what worked for them and didn’t work and then actually going through what works and what doesn't work.  I made sure I had a something that helps you create effective relationships in all aspects of your life - so that you enjoy the success you want easily.

It's not about working hard, we both know that doesn't work.
It's not about working more or working longer hours - that just makes you tired.
It's about applying the right strategies, and doing the right things at the right time.
And using the power that you have within - your inner powers and subconscious mind to create the success you want. It's a pretty simple process that works but sometimes you need someone to help you stay on course throughout the process.  To learn more visit www.stretchyourself.org

Remember You ARE  a powerful person. 
You have tremendous powers and you have barely scratched the surface of your potential.  Those powers are harnessed in your mind and manifested in your subconscious mind.  Start directing them to create the life you want by taking the first step.

Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it.
Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. 
Stretch Yourself and Create all the success you want and deserve starting now.
I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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