Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Never Give Up

Once you give up it's over.  When you give up you automatically fail.  

You can't give up on your goals.  Believe in yourself and believe that you can and will succeed.  Keep trying.   Keep stretching yourself by doing different things to achieve your goals.   Most people never achieve their goals because they often quit just when they're on the verge of reaching their dream.  

Let's face it if you give up - it's over and nothing changes.  
Those who quit always fail.  
Those who succeed never give up.   

I know some of you will say: "Ron, I haven't given up. I've been trying for years and nothing has changed. I keep trying and nothing works. I simply can't go on anymore."

Succeeding isn't about doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result. That's insanity.  

By never giving up, you continue striving toward your goals but you have to always try something different in order to get a different result.   Always look for a solution.  

And in today’s blog I'll show you how and why you need to stay committed to your goal why you should never give up and how to keep the momentum going so you reach or surpass your goals. Read on and enjoy!  

To achieve your goals and enjoy success you have to stay on course despite distractions or anything life throws at you that could take you off course.
Your mind will often convince you to give up.  It's only because your mind is used to having things a certain way and is comfortable with failure. 

Success can be scary and jarring, because it's not in your comfort zone.  And most people are fearful of the unexpected.  It's not what your mind is used to. Your mind can't relate to it, so it tries to keep you in the comfort zone that it knows.
Too often people give up, don't try a different option, refuse to stretch themselves and keep an open mind or think they know everything when really it's just their mind convincing them to give up so that it can go back to what it knows best, and what's comfortable.  

But you tried of just being comfortable with life, living from paycheck to paycheck, surviving and not thriving. You want to be successful and live your passion.  So you have to push your mind in a different direction.  You have to direct your subconscious mind to create success.  
And that means stretching yourself even when you feel like giving up.
Those who are successful don't fall for the mind's little tricks.
They don't think they know everything; they're open to all possibilities, willing to stretch themselves and try something new - despite what their mind might say and they'll learn new things just about everyday.  

Those who are not successful do the exact opposite.  
They sometimes think they know the outcome before they start, they think they know everything, are not open to new possibilities, are not willing to try and learn something new - but they continue to try and achieve all of their goals, by doing the same things over and over again.

They're really doing the same over and over again hoping for a different
result - which is insanity.  

If you want to be successful, if you want to achieve your goals, then you have to try doing something different so that you get a different result. You have to go beyond your comfort zone, consider all options, be willing to learn something new, stay open minded and don't assume you know everything - because after all, no one really knows everything.

If that were the case we wouldn't be making new discoveries in different fields everyday.  
By doing the above you force your mind to go in a different direction and no longer accept its excuses for not succeeding.  You no longer allow yourself to give up before even getting started.
At the same time you instruct your subconscious mind to help you succeed because you tell it that you're open to new options and ready to succeed at all costs. That you're willing to learn, grow and experience new things even if you may know something you're still willing to explore it from a new view point. And with your actions, You're giving your subconscious mind new instructions, so that it drives you to succeed.
You can achieve your goals..
Try a different approach.
Be willing to learn something new.
Don't accept that you know everything even if you think you're going through a familiar process - you may discover something new.
Be open to any and all possibilities.

Think about what you want.
Then take a look at what you've been doing to achieve that goal, write it down if you have to.  Next, direct your mind and subconscious mind by taking the first action step to find new ways to achieve your goals. Don't accept the idea or the belief that you've tried everything. If you had truly tried everything you would have been successful already.
The truth is you've only tried everything that you know - and if you haven't succeeded then there's something that you don't know or you haven’t stretched your thinking outside the box to find something that you haven't tried.
Now you have to get your mind and subconscious mind to help you find a way to succeed by taking action, being consistent and following through.
Thomas Edison went through ten thousand experiments before he figured out how to invent the light bulb. He stayed persistent, tried a different approach and never believed that he knew everything.

If you want to be wealthy, think of all the things you have tried, and then focus on finding a solution by searching for things you haven't tried.  You may think a certain approach won't work but if you haven't tried it - you don't know.
Search for new solutions. Stay persistent and change your approach.  
Create beliefs that help you succeed.  
To succeed you have to believe that you can achieve your goal.  
Your subconscious mind picks up on your beliefs and creates your reality based on what you believe and your actions that validate your beliefs.

So if you are persistent and believe that you have tried everything and can't succeed - then your subconscious is not going to direct you to new solutions and will only guide you to situations that will help you fail - after all, that's what you believe and your actions validate your beliefs.
What can you do?  
Change your beliefs and take action that validate your beliefs.  
If you're not achieving your goals then your beliefs have to change.
To change your beliefs first change your thoughts.
Track your current thoughts and change those that don't work for you.
If you don't believe there is a way, change that belief, and regularly tell yourself that there is a way, and take action to validate your beliefs.
Then begin looking for a new way to achieve your goal. Try a different approach.
Never Give up.
If you give up nothing changes and you never achieve the success that you want. 
Try a different approach. Keep an open mind.
Be willing to learn something new.
Don't believe that you know everything.
Don't believe that you have tried everything.
Focus on finding new solutions and stay persistent.

Remember - you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself.
Create all the success you want and deserve in life.
Stretch Yourself and create the life you want starting now.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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