Sunday, May 9, 2010

Are You Focusing on What You Want....

Are you focusing on what you want?

Or are you focused on what you don't want?

Think about it and you might be surprised by what you find.

A lot of people focus on what they don't want.

For example... do you say: "I don't want to be mistreated, I don't want to lose my job, I don't want to be broke, I don't want to be single, I don't want to be overweight, I don't want... "(fill in the blank).

When the emphasis is on what you don't want... your subconscious mind picks up on the part after the don't want and so creates exactly what you don't want.


Because your concerned about what you don't want and the energy or emphasis is on that part of the thought. If you say you don't want to lose your job - you're really concerned about losing your job... this is what you focus on, that you might lose your job. And this is what the subconscious mind picks up on.

It now feels that you want to lose your job, because that's what your concerned about.

So your subconscious begins creating opportunities for you to lose your job.

What can you do to stop this or turn things around?

Focus on what you want. In the job example... you don't want to lose your job (that's what you don't want)... but what you want is to keep your job. So focus on and think about keeping your job.

If you don't want to be single... focus on what you want... which is to be in a relationship or to be married.

By doing this you're really telling your subconscious mind to go out and create opportunities for you to get what you want.

In the above example you would be attracting opportunities to keep your job... you may start making a better impression, display valuable qualities, or improve your status and worth as an employee.

In the relationship example you could start meeting new people, the kind of people you want to be with and waste less time with those that don't fit with what you want.

When you focus on what you don't want you get more of what you don't want... because that's what you're focused on... that's where your attention is centered... so your subconscious mind just brings you more of what you don't want. Remember energy flows where focus goes.

Your subconscious mind follows your instructions. It will do what ever you tell it to do.
Those instructions are your thoughts and beliefs.
Your thoughts and beliefs are often based on what you regularly think about and focus on.

I know you want to change or improve your life.

But if you constantly think about what you don't want, focus on what is wrong, what isn't working or constantly looking at all the problems, your subconscious will just keep bringing you more of what you don't want.

Change your focus.
Change what you regularly think about.
Focus on what you want.
Get clear and specific.

The more often you think about what you want the more your subconscious mind begins to get the message.

At first it will be challenging to switch from thinking about what you don't want (if that's what you're used to doing) to thinking about what you want.

But the more often you think about what you want the sooner you'll turn things around.

Once this becomes a habit you're on your way.

So get clear on your goals.

When ever things don't work out or if you hit a rough patch and hear yourself saying "I don't want...." stop and change your thoughts.

Think of what you want and start telling yourself that you're now doing what you want.

I don't want to lose my job... becomes... I'm keeping my job.
I don't want to be broke... becomes... I'm making more money.
I don't want to be single... becomes... I'm in a great relationship.

Then start thinking of what you can do to make what you want a part of your reality.

Keep feeding your subconscious mind the instructions to help you succeed.
Get your mind focused on what you want.

You can and will get what you want.
You can enjoy your life.
You can enjoy success, happiness and more.
Start living the life you want today.

Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting
yourself. Stretch yourself and Create all the success you want and deserve in life.

Starting Now

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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