Sunday, December 25, 2011

So Many People Spreading So Much Joy..

So many people spreading so much joy, so much positive energy.
You can feel it all around you.
People everywhere in a much better mood.
It's that holiday spirit. It's a holiday just about everywhere.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not doesn't matter.
People are in a good mood. And they're all spreading that positive energy.
You can call it the Christmas spirit if you like.

But it's really just about being positive, optimistic, being nice and in a good mood.
When more people around you are positive and in a good mood you start to feel better.
That's because positive energy is infectious. Actually all energy is infectious.

Even negative energy.
You pick up on other people's energy.  You send out your own energy that other people pick up on.
If the people around you are negative you'll feel negative or down.
Negative energy leads to more negative situations, more struggle, more disappointment, more frustration and just more of what you don't want.

With positive energy you feel better, you're more upbeat, you attract positive situations, good things happen to you, things work out, you get some unexpected surprises (especially at Christmas), and you get more of what you want.

So every year around this time there's a lot more positive energy flowing through the world.
People are just in a better mood.
Whether you're with family, friends, loved ones or even on your own enjoy the holiday mood, keep yourself positive and spread the joy and the positive energy.
You'll make those around you feel better and you'll attract more of what you want.

You start by simply focusing on the positive things in your life.
Think about the good things.
Spread the joy by being kind to people - even strangers.
You'll naturally start to feel better and more optimistic.
But the best part is you'll get rid of the negative energy and build positive energy.
When you have that positive energy, you'll attract more positive situations.

By thinking about all the good things you have in life, by regularly thinking about the positive you plant new messages on your subconscious mind.
You tell your inner powers that you want more good things and you want more success.
Start directing your mind and subconscious mind by taking action to bring you exactly what you want.
It's simple, easy and extremely powerful

Now you don't have to wait for the Christmas holiday season to spread the positive energy.

You should be doing it every day throughout the year.
But now that the holiday season is here and the New Year is right around the corner it's a great time to start, so start today. Where ever you are, be positive, be kind, be optimistic. You'll get more good things in return.
And you'll also begin directing your subconscious mind and your higher powers to bring you more positive situations, more joy, and more happiness.

It may not happen right away but it will happen as long as you keep spreading the positive energy.

I know there are times when you may feel down, when you may not feel like being positive, when things don't always work out the way you want them to.
If that happens, push yourself to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
At first you may not come up with anything. But as you think about it you'll discover many things that you could be positive about, things that you could appreciate.
Even a simple thing like a warm meal is positive.
There is joy and a positive message even in some of the things that seem insignificant.

You can take things one step further.
Be positive and optimistic about the goals you want to achieve. Whatever endeavors you want to achieve, be positive and optimistic about succeeding. When you're positive and optimistic about what you want you send out the positive energy to help you succeed.

But that's not enough to get what you want.
You have to continually take action to reinforce your subconscious mind and all your inner powers to
create what you want.

Things won't magically change. They won't change instantly.
But they will change and sometimes you can succeed pretty quickly.
As long as you be consistent in your actions you’ll get your subconscious mind and inner powers focused and directed so that they bring you what you want, you will succeed.

Don't think about what you don't want.  Don't be negative. Don't be angry all the time.

Be positive and optimistic about your goals.
Then you begin directing your subconscious mind and all your powers. You just have
to give them the right instructions and they'll follow. It's a simple and powerful process.
The more you work with it the sooner you'll see changes.

I wish you a terrific, happy and joyful holiday season.
I'm spreading the positive energy with my family and friends.
I'm also sharing it with everybody I meet.
Join me in making this a terrific time for you and those around you.

You are a very powerful person.
You can achieve the success you want.
You can have the wealth you want.
You can have the love you want.  You can live the life you want.
Believe in yourself.  Believe in your ability.
Focus on the positive things in life.
Begin directing your powers so that you live the life you want today.
I look forward to connecting with you in the New Year

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