Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stretch Your Confidence

Having confidence can really make a huge difference.

Those who have great confidence get more done, because they believe in themselves... and they believe in their ability.  They know they're going to say the right thing and do the right thing...and if by chance they slip up... they know they can overcome any setback.

That's confidence.

And now you can have the same level of confidence as the most confident person you know.   The only reason why you don't have the confidence you want is because you focus on the limitations that you perceive you have.

Over the years I've been able to study, work, and hang out with some of the most confident people and some of the not so confident.  And what I found is that those who are confident just seem to think differently.  They see things differently and they focus on different things.

Confident people focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses or limitations.  They work on those weaknesses and limitations so that they don't have an impact on their life. But they always focus on their strengths and how and why they can do something.

In social settings they'll focus on just being themselves, enjoying themselves and having a good time. They don’t worry about what others think and they don’t care.  They believe that they can be comfortable in just about any situation.  And the reason they believe this is because they have a thought process that allows them to exude confidence all the time.

Now you can have that same level of confidence.

First start by focusing on your positive attributes, your strengths, not your weaknesses.  Then focus on your positive qualities, think of all the reasons why you can do something and why people should enjoy being around you.

The areas you feel like you have limitations work on improving them one step at a time.  For example, if you feel your too shy, try and strike up a conversation at a bar or coffee shop with anyone, waiting in line, at the cashier.  Make a habit to ask others about how they are doing.

Change the way you see yourself and the way you see others. Be positive and focus on why you can.
Feed your mind and subconscious mind positive statements that will help you increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Focus on your strengths.
Focus on your positive qualities - I suggest you put a list together and read it every day.

Change the way you see yourself - you're capable of doing anything you want.
Increasing your confidence is something you can do quickly and easily.
Think about how you can make a difference and focus on saying and doing the right things in all situations.

Start today...
Right now start thinking about all your positive qualities.
Think about what a wonderful person you are... walk with that swagger, chest out, shoulder back,  bounce in your step... 

Believe in yourself and believe in your abilities... you are a powerful human being capable of achieving magnificent things... 

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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