You know, those resolutions you swore you would keep this year?
The only reason you're not getting things done or not achieving those
goals you set out to achieve is because your mind and subconscious mind are not programmed to get things done.
Instead, they're likely programmed to put things off, stall or procrastinate,
until you no longer have to do them or come up with some excuse that
seems valid to avoid finishing what you started or following up on your goals.
Many times you'll talk yourself out of doing something instead of talking yourself INTO getting started.
The most common excuse or valid reason is time... "I just didn't have the time."
The time excuse is right up there with: "I'll do it later..."
But later never comes... and what you promised you'd do later never gets done.
Later comes and goes pretty quickly if you're not paying attention and later
usually turns into never.
Now you can stop this process and start getting things done quickly and easily. And here's how. Whatever you set out to accomplish ask yourself, "What is the first step?"
Then simply get started on that one part and don’t focus on the whole task.
Focus on completing one thing to get you started so that you do what you need to do quickly, easily and on time.
Of course, that also means that you stop saying "I'll do it later... "
and it also means that you stop telling yourself that you don't have the time.
Instead, tell yourself that you'll get started and complete one part and now you're finding the time to get that part done quickly and easily.
As you do this you’ll build confidence and momentum giving your subconscious mind a reference point that you have started something and completed it. This will stop it from giving you resistance, wanting you to give up.
So only focus on what you want to complete, that first step.
Think of how accomplishing this one thing will help you improve your life once the whole task is completed.
Then tackle the next step in your goal the next day and continue until you accomplish it.
Stop procrastinating and stop putting things off.
When you shift your focus and when you send your subconscious mind a new set of reference points that will allow you create momentum to attract the people, situations and opportunities to help you achieve your goal.
Stop procrastinating now.
Get more done in less time.
Start living the life you want now and make this your best year ever.
You are a powerful human being and you can achieve all your goals.
You can live the live you want.
You can have the success you want.
Stop Procrastinating now.
I look forward to connecting with you soon...
Ron Broussard

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