Sunday, April 14, 2013

STRETCH YOURSELF - What's STOPPING you? Procrastination by the numbers

As I study and do research to bring more awareness as we stretch ourselves to new conscious levels, I ask myself this question to share with everyone. And that is, are you living the life of your dreams? If you are not, you're not alone and I wanted to share with you the numbers to make you aware, and more importantly for you to ask the question for yourself, "What's stopping you?"

 Just consider these numbers:

 83% of people believe they have a book in them but NEVER follow through to write it.
 6 out of every 10 people want to lose weight but GIVE up before actually losing weight consistently.
 700 million adults worldwide want to move or at least visit another country but never actually make plans to do so.

 and lastly...
 85% of people are less than "extremely satisfied" with their current jobs, but can see past how they can make their part time hobby into a full time business for themselves.

 The point that I am trying to make is that instead of wishing, wanting, and waiting for the perfect situation, start taking consistent action towards whatever goals your trying to accomplish.

 NOW is the time to take action and start moving towards making your dreams a reality.
 The only thing that's stopping you from achievement is YOU.
"If you add a little to a little and do this often, soon the little will become great." ~ Hesiod (ancient Greek poet)


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