Thursday, January 28, 2010

Success Begins Today!

January is almost over…WOW! ... Frankly I still can't believe that my calendar now says 2010...

With every New Year I always end up ripping a few checks simply because I forget to write the correct year... I already did it this year... putting in 2009 instead of 2010.

It will take a few times before I get it right and before my subconscious gets used to seeing, writing and reading 2010.

That's the way the subconscious works. When you want to remember something it takes a few tries before it gets the message. You have to repeatedly tell yourself: "No, not that... that's not what I want. I want to write 2010 (or what ever it is you really want).

The same approach is applied for our goals and changes that we want to make.

At first your subconscious doesn't quite get the message and automatically goes back to what is familiar. In my case it will be writing 2009 a few times before I get it right.

But with goals and changes that we want to make it could take more than a few days or a few weeks. That's because you've been doing things a certain way for longer than a year. In some cases you've been living a certain way, thinking a certain way and doing things that correspond with the way you live and think for years, possibly decades.

So getting the mind and subconscious mind to accept changes and attract situations that will help you succeed will take longer. And if you don't apply certain techniques, those changes could take decades or may never happen.


Because your mind and subconscious mind will revert back to what they know and what is comfortable with over and over again.

But if you take an active role, stretch yourself and apply the right techniques and get your mind and subconscious mind working for you - creating the changes you want - you'll enjoy success a lot sooner.

Now that we are four weeks into the New Year it's a great time to give yourself a fresh start, stretch yourself to achieve those goals and begin creating the life you want now.

It's not just about making a few resolutions that you may give up on in a few days or weeks.

This is about making a conscious commitment to create some real, lasting changes that will allow you to enjoy success in every area of your life.

If you want to get the right job - make this the year that it happens.
If you want to start or improve a business - make this the year that it comes together.
If you want to make more money - make this the year that you start generating more money.
If you to meet the right person - make this the year that you meet the man/woman of your dreams.

Focus on what you want.
Give your mind and subconscious mind the direction it needs - tell them the results you want and avoid focusing on the obstacles; only accept success.
Be willing to grow and learn.
Take action everyday to achieve your goals.
This is your life. It's a New Year and a chance for a fresh start - make this your best year ever.

So create beliefs that allow you to succeed.
Fill your mind up with positive thoughts.
Focus on your past and present success.

It doesn't matter if things haven't worked out in the past.
It doesn't matter if you haven't achieved all that you wanted.

You are at a new point in your life and starting today, you must decide right here and now to believe in yourself and believe that you can succeed... because the truth is you can do and be anything you want... but only if you believe in yourself.

Dismiss the negative thinking and limiting beliefs that say you can't.
Find out what your true values are… What do you REALLY Believe? What do you REALLY want?

Don't believe that you're no good - you're better than you think.
Fill your mind and subconscious mind with possibilities and positive messages everyday.

Let's make 2010 truly spectacular... and it starts today.
Take a moment to focus on all the positive things in your life.
Appreciate all the people in your life and all the people you meet everyday.
Remember -- you only get one life and one chance. Make the most of it.

Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. Create all the success in your life starting TODAY.

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